Using Your Home Theater System To The Max

Listening to Music

Reproducing the theater experience in the comfort of one’s own home has always been the home entertainment dream, and the Panasonic SC-BTT195 Energy Star 5.1-Channel 1000-Watt Full HD 3D Blu-Ray Home Theater System with Tall Boy Speakers seems to have come closer than ever before. The first thing you need to know is that it manages to reproduce clear, theater-like sounds that match the 3D imagery modern Blu-Ray players and televisions are capable of emitting. Within this device, smart networking devices like wireless LAN an DLNA are fully integrated. Along with that, the system can even use a smartphone as a remote.

With the BTT195 you will enjoy 30 real and virtual speakers. Your speakers, no matter where you position them, will give the right sounds. To reduce noise distortion, the device features an anti-jitter digital amplifier.

We have obviously listed several benefits here, but there are negative sides to the system as well. The proprietary system does present a bit of a problem for any living room or home theater. Though it might not be a problem for you immediately, it will definitely be an issue later on. For example, if the system becomes damaged, it will need to be repaired with proprietary parts. The wireless adapter as well as the inputs will be considered proprietary. While this might be a deal breaker for many individuals, there are some who can deal with it.

In your Yamaha YHT-497 5.1-Channel Home Theater System you will have plenty of benefits including the 4k Pass-through for next gen displays. The front panel USB Digital Connection allows users to connect their iPod/iPhone.

Unfortunately there are a few downsides to take into account, one of which is the resolution change issue. A black screen issue has led to support calls, and support states the best way to resolve is to change the device resolution. One well known fact however is that the resolution can only be changed by switching over to an HD channel.

One of the biggest problems people seem to have with home speaker systems is that they do not fit a particular lifestyle. Individuals with smaller homes never tend to enjoy the larger systems. Naturally there are smaller systems available, but they do not always measure up. The Panasonic SC-HTB350 Energy Star 2.1-Channel 240-Watt Multi-Positional Audio System with Wireless Music Streaming via Bluetooth,  on the other hand, is able to give the best sound with the least distortion.

Along with that, the Panasonic SC-HTB350 Audio System features detachable speakers and a slim exterior. You can even use the wall mount for a horizontal setup. You can listen to your favorite music via Bluetooth devices like Android or iPhone. In addition to that you will still be able to enjoy the home theater sound while the television is turned off. The Panasonic SC-HTB350 Audio System is obviously a great addition to your home!

While the sound is usually great, there are those that have complained about it. Along with that, WiFi connectivity sometimes leaves something to be desired. With these things aside however, it can be a decent sound system.

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    • Bess
    • September 15, 2014

    Those home theaters in a box are not very dependable or reliable and most of them are cheaply made. Wireless speakers still need some type of signal device to send and receive signals and they can be distorted by other signals like the appliances in your home. You will not see any very high end system that costs more than $10,000 using wireless technology. Check the system you are looking at to see if it is wireless or not. Hope this will help you out.

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