When you’re searching for a receiver, one thing you want to pay attention to is whether or not it has 4K Ultra HDTV technology. The Denon AVR S500BT has it. This device is a great bargain when you compare all it has to offer for the relatively low cost of the device.
Among the features that users liked most about this receiver is that it has Bluetooth capability. This allows consumers to play music they have stored on their Bluetooth devices, just as they can from a tablet or smartphone.
Without this capability, you’d have to use an extra piece to adapt the Bluetooth to the receiver. This device has 3D rendering, too. This lets your receiver play 3D content and you can also use it in connection with other 3D entertainment devices.
There are 5 HDMI inputs. This allows you to add multiple other devices. You can add a game console or a Blu-Ray player and more. The device has Pure Color pass-through.
It also has a helpful Setup Assistant that will begin as soon as you hook up the receiver. This assistant is a tool that guides users through the setup options and explains how the various functions work.
Self-Calibrating Speakers
Something else that will appeal to buyers of this model is the device’s ability to calibrate the speakers. Without this feature, you could spend a lot of time trying to calibrate the speakers yourself, in order to get the best performance.
But with the calibration feature, the Denon will do this for you. All you have to do is take the microphone and put it where you like to sit. Then listen as your receiver programs the sound settings for the room you’re in.
There are dual subwoofers, which gives users greater, more in-depth sound. You’ll get good, solid bass and crisp mid-range.
Quick Select Buttons
The Denon AVR S500BT has four Quick Select buttons.
This option lets you customize your audio settings and the device recalls your settings. You can set a volume limit, which is a great feature if you have members of your household who like to crank the volume too high.
If you’ve set up a new technology device before, you know how frustrating it can be to hook up the speakers or other devices. This model cuts out the frustration by using color coding for the terminals and labels for the wiring.
This device will help to save energy because it shuts off automatically when it’s not being used. It will also automatically adjust the power consumption during usage so that you get the best quality sound without wasting energy.